Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Christmas Eve - Merry Christmas to you!

I am thinking of business only a little today.  We will get together with my wife's family this afternoon for a pre-Christmas Santa visit.  It is a great time of year to socialize with family and I personally think that it is no time for business or work talk unless I am pushed into talking about it.  It's Christmas for goodness sake!

I do appreciate all of our visitors and I have to tell you that I was pressured to put up the notice about Watkins Products.  We have had so many people find us through the internet and they want their baking products!  Everybody else in our area has given up but there are so many customers around, we just want to be there for people who need us.

We did pull most of our ads this week because the load time was too slow.  We don't find that Google slows us down much so we are leaving them for now.  It really has been a fun journey to start up this blog and see the number of visitors jump day to day.  We are starting to use Google Analytics now to give use more detail.  If you are interested in measuring your blog traffic, go to to learn more.

Merry Christmas to you all!  I'm sure I'll be chatting on my blog before New Year's Day so I'll wait for the Happy New Year until later.  Can you believe that it's almost 2010?

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