Monday, December 7, 2009

What Do You Do with Distributors

We have been talking about the process of signing up new distributors and I will add one thing to it: People will become your distributor in their time not yours. You need to have the patience of a fisherman, otherwise you will scare the fish away! Your job is to support them during the process of consideration, give them what they need to make a good decision then stand back. Any pressure or hype will probably get you distributors that will do nothing.

Once you begin signing up distributors, your focus really switches to supporting them. You should give them encouragement, train them, and help them as much as they will allow you to. You should give the most help to your best and most trustworthy distributors, and you could go as far as building for them with them by your side if this is agreeable to them.

That is mainly it. Of course you continue to gather leads and work with prospects all along for yourself but now you have the added work of supporting distributors. The added burden is not huge and is usually enjoyable. However, don't frustrate yourself because somebody is not doing their part, just work with the ones who are.

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