Thursday, December 3, 2009

Advertising on the Internet

When you think of advertising on the internet, you may think of a web site. In my opinion a web site is not advertising but is your full sales presentation. You can build a website but that does not get you prospects. You must advertise your web site in order to get visitors, which could be prospects if they came to the website via a marketing message. Visitors may also be many other things such as spies or accidental tourists.

So you have built your web site but have no visitors, hence no prospects. What can you do to get prospects? Yet again you must advertise, somehow, to get prospects. Advertising for a web site can be done offline but this article is about advertising on the internet. Online advertising can be done in a variety of ways, some free and some for cost. Free advertising might be done by submitting your website to a search engine, posting a link to a free-for-all links site, or posting a classified advertisement. It can also be done via a social networking site like Twitter, Myspace, or Facebook.

Pay advertising can be done through various website. When you pay for advertising you should be guaranteed to get visitors to your site. Google has adwords which will post your advertisement in various places and charge you only when somebody clicks on your link.

One thing I had mentioned before is that you can advertise on the internet without having a web site. For instance, you can place a classified advertisement that has a prospect call you on the telephone for further information.

There is advertising galore available on the internet and you can do a google search to find more information or examples. If you want free advertising, search for free advertising. Regardless of how you advertise, your objective is to get prospects so you can give your presentation to them, whether on your web site, over the phone, in the mail, or in person. Not everyone will become a customer or distributor so we are seeking a constant inflow of prospects.

Advertising is a way that we can clone ourselves and not personally give a marketing message to each potential prospect. In other words, our objective with advertising, free or otherwise, is to save ourselves time. If it costs us more time to advertise than if we contacted people personally, we are doing the wrong thing.

I will post information soon about building a web site.

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